Changes 0 to 10 on this branch are displayed below, sorted in descending chronological order.

3468 days ago: Store the configuration on the SD card
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Changelog: Store the configuration on the SD card
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 14:10:09 GMT
3731 days ago: Remove old header file and add more missing header files
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Changelog: Remove old header file and add more missing header files
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:31:13 GMT
3731 days ago: Add missing file and tidy up somewhat.
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Changelog: Add missing file and tidy up somewhat.
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:20:48 GMT
3731 days ago: Add preliminary support for HMC5883L magnetometer and MPL3115A2 altimeter.
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Changelog: Add preliminary support for HMC5883L magnetometer and MPL3115A2 altimeter.
Logging only, at this stage.
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:54:11 GMT
3922 days ago: The weighting mechanism to only consider accelerations roughly
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Changelog: The weighting mechanism to only consider accelerations roughly
in line with gravity wasn't working too well. Let's consider
all readings equally for now.
Date: Sat, 17 May 2014 12:35:20 GMT
3922 days ago: Yes, we do actually want I2C to run fast.
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Changelog: Yes, we do actually want I2C to run fast.
Date: Sat, 17 May 2014 12:33:47 GMT
3932 days ago: Bye bye Wii Motion Plus, hello MPU6050. Also, increase control loop
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Changelog: Bye bye Wii Motion Plus, hello MPU6050. Also, increase control loop
to 200Hz, add SD card logging, and a number of other changes.
Date: Tue, 06 May 2014 21:03:48 GMT
4278 days ago: Firmware changes to match rewired control board.
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Changelog: Firmware changes to match rewired control board.
This is a bit more difficult than just reassigning pins as the usage
of the timers has changed to the point of using 16 bit timers where 32 bit
timers would have been ideal. This makes the use of the prescaler necessary,
and we need to cope with a different prescaler value being used on different
Date: Sat, 25 May 2013 19:24:39 GMT
4327 days ago: Implement CPPM reception. Keep it as an option for now.
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Changelog: Implement CPPM reception. Keep it as an option for now.
Recalibrate the radio, as the timings have changed.
And, it seems a couple of channels are now swapped with the new radio. Or
rather, unswapped. So fix the channel map to match.
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2013 01:39:36 GMT
4327 days ago: New radio, new calibration values.
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Changelog: New radio, new calibration values.
Oh, and code to make the calibration easier/possible.
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2013 00:17:31 GMT
earlier changes recent changes (no later changes)