Revisions 0 to 10 in in which 'motor.h' was changed are listed below. These revisions are ancestors of the revision [dc88787e..]. The "diff" links listed with each revision will show changes in 'motor.h' between that revision and [dc88787e..].

3576 days ago: Add missing file and tidy up somewhat.
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Changelog: Add missing file and tidy up somewhat.
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:20:48 GMT
4391 days ago: Lots of development of new features. Radio input, motor output, PID control
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Changelog: Lots of development of new features. Radio input, motor output, PID control
loops, boot-time initialisation, option to run without attached UART.
And.. it flies!
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 12:42:38 GMT