The unified diff between revisions [bfc9e27f..] and [dc88787e..] is displayed below. It can also be downloaded as a raw diff.

This diff has been restricted to the following files: 'motor.h'

# old_revision [bfc9e27f5c40da31ae4269394aaf0545e5856a70]
# new_revision [dc88787ecd1d574feba045763baed2a7651ff33d]
# patch "motor.h"
#  from [2f9e49830e99e4252d190c55d3ca42dbd721cb1e]
#    to [621adb9bbfe9f723fe562c8803cd72fd09f6206a]
--- motor.h	2f9e49830e99e4252d190c55d3ca42dbd721cb1e
+++ motor.h	621adb9bbfe9f723fe562c8803cd72fd09f6206a
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
 /* motor.h */
+#ifndef __MOTOR_H
+#define __MOTOR_H
+#include "types.h"
 extern float temp_kp;
-void motor_pid_update(float troll, float mroll,
-		      float tpitch, float mpitch,
-		      float tyaw, float myaw);
+void motor_pid_update(vec3f target, vec3f measured);
 void motor_kill(void);
 void motor_set_throttle(float t);
+#endif /* __MOTOR_H */