Revisions 0 to 10 in in which 'uart.c' was changed are listed below. These revisions are ancestors of the revision [4f22e7ef..]. The "diff" links listed with each revision will show changes in 'uart.c' between that revision and [4f22e7ef..].

4578 days ago: Lots of development of new features. Radio input, motor output, PID control
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Changelog: Lots of development of new features. Radio input, motor output, PID control
loops, boot-time initialisation, option to run without attached UART.
And.. it flies!
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 12:42:38 GMT
4905 days ago: Track gyro using a DCM.
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Changelog: Track gyro using a DCM.
This brings in an implementation of some general matrix manipulation routines,
not all of which are used at teh moment.
Output the DCM on the UART at 50Hz for the host to display it usefully.
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2011 23:39:28 GMT
5030 days ago: Use events to invoke menu handling on UART receive. We now have a basic
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Changelog: Use events to invoke menu handling on UART receive. We now have a basic
main dispatch loop.
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2011 19:41:12 GMT
5030 days ago: Change API for getch to make it the caller's responsibility to poll for
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Changelog: Change API for getch to make it the caller's responsibility to poll for
input, allowing it to do other stuff if it wants to.
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2011 19:28:59 GMT
5042 days ago: Use interrupts and buffer the UART receive side too.
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Changelog: Use interrupts and buffer the UART receive side too.
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 21:41:17 GMT
5044 days ago: Use interrupts and buffering for UART TX
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Changelog: * Use interrupts and buffering for UART TX
* Set up P0.26 as an output, driving the on-board LED
* Toggle the LED while waiting for UART input to demonstrate activity
Date: Sun, 22 May 2011 10:34:44 GMT
5044 days ago: Move UART code into its own file
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Changelog: * Move UART code into its own file
* Set up vectored interrupt controller
* Set up timer interrupt
Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 22:26:19 GMT