
Author gavan@coolfactor.org
Branch org.coolfactor.quadrotor
Changelog Improve handling of arming, providing LED blink codes if the arming fails.
Also, implement a software watchdog to make sure that the main real-time
modules are actually being run. Provide a panic facility, also giving blink
codes to indicate the panic reason.
Date 2012-09-22T12:08:07

Revision Details

Oldrevision Old revision is: [d0420ebd..] (diff)
Addfile Add file: abs.h
Add file: panic.c
Add file: panic.h
Add file: status.c
Add file: status.h
Add file: watchdog.c
Add file: watchdog.h
Patch Patch file Makefile (diff)
Patch file dcm.c (diff)
Patch file led.c (diff)
Patch file led.h (diff)
Patch file main.c (diff)
Patch file motor.c (diff)
Patch file stick.c (diff)
Patch file wmp.c (diff)
Ancestry of 64de686d701acb9539dc52fe0bff299405612ab0
reading this graph