
Author gavan@coolfactor.org
Branch org.coolfactor.lightscript
Changelog Implement stack dump function
Implement invert feature for map3d
Fix logical inverse error on checking the ABI version
Revert incorrect fix to vm_spawn_args which worked around the argument
corruption issue in the compiler.
Date 2007-12-31T00:54:00

Revision Details

Oldrevision Old revision is: [8583f573..] (diff)
Patch Patch file src/lsi/abi.h (diff)
Patch file src/lsi/abispec (diff)
Patch file src/lsi/map3d.c (diff)
Patch file src/lsi/map3d.h (diff)
Patch file src/lsi/vm.c (diff)
Ancestry of 1fb418de708909ffb7935500c5a31bba681e96b8
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