
Author gavan@coolfactor.org
Branch org.coolfactor.quadrotor
Changelog * Make total stack size available as a symbol
* Implement SWI handler to enable/disable interrupts
* Implement event system to deal with kicking non-interrupt code
Date 2011-06-03T21:22:01

Revision Details

Oldrevision Old revision is: [cc8258a6..] (diff)
Addfile Add file: event.c
Add file: event.h
Add file: swi.h
Patch Patch file Makefile (diff)
Patch file crt0.s (diff)
Patch file interrupt.h (diff)
Patch file main.c (diff)
Patch file timer.c (diff)
Patch file types.h (diff)
Ancestry of 1dfe3b7eee76f3c8aea3b33932857682ee17701c
reading this graph