Below is the file '' from this revision. You can also download the file.


use WWW::Mechanize;
local $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();

my $configfile = $ARGV[0];

error("Usage: $0 configfile") unless defined($configfile);

open CONFIG, "<$configfile" or die $!;

while (<CONFIG>)
    # no newline
    # no comments
    # no leading white
    # no trailing white
    next unless length;
    # anything left?
    my ($var, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2);
    $options{$var} = $value;

close CONFIG;

$username = $options{'username'};
die "username not set" unless defined($username);

$password = $options{'password'};
die "password not set" unless defined($password);

$downloaddir = $options{'downloaddir'};
die "downloaddir not set" unless defined($downloaddir);

print "Fetching homepage\n";

$mech->follow_link( text_regex => qr/mobile account/ );

print "Logging in\n";

	form_number => 1,
	fields      => {
		txtMSISDN  => $username,
		txtPassword  => $password,

# Stupid JavaScript here to submit the form on loading of the page.
# Just log in.

print "Following intermediate login form\n";

	form_number => 1,
	fields      => {

print "Following view your bills link\n";

$mech->follow_link( text_regex => qr/view your bills/ );


my @links = $mech->find_all_links( text_regex => qr/download PDF/ );
for $link (@links) {
    my $url = $link->url();
    my ($invoice) = $url =~ /leg_invoice=(\d+)/;
    my $filename = $downloaddir . '/' . $invoice . ".pdf";
    unless (-e $filename) {
	print "Downloading invoice $invoice to $filename\n";
        downloadbill($url, $filename);
        #$mech->mirror($url, $filename);
    } else {
	print "Skipping download of invoice $invoice\n";

sub follow_processing {
    my $url, $attempts;

    $attempts = 0;

    while ($attempts < 10) {
        ($url) = $mech->content() =~ /var sURL = "(.*)";/;

        return unless defined($url);


        $url =~ s/&amp;/&/g;

	print "Waiting for processing. Attempt $attempts.\n";

        my $newurl = $mech->uri();

        $newurl =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
        $newurl = $newurl . "/" . $url;

        print "Processing finished.\n";

sub downloadbill {
    my ($url, $filename) = @_;

    print "Following download link\n";
    print "Following View your bill link\n";
    my $billlink = $mech->find_link( text_regex => qr/View your bill/ );
    if (!defined($billlink)) {
	print "Unable to download bill\n";
    my $billurl = $billlink->url_abs();
    print "Downloading bill\n";
    $mech->mirror($billurl, $filename);

sub error {
    my ($error) = @_;
    print STDERR $error;
    print STDERR "\n";
    exit 1;