The unified diff between revisions [d0420ebd..] and [be147b11..] is displayed below. It can also be downloaded as a raw diff.

This diff has been restricted to the following files: 'Makefile'

# old_revision [d0420ebd87c820e33a32b29727989516e15980a8]
# new_revision [be147b11caac304fda1579ac71017eecc3bb79e0]
# patch "Makefile"
#  from [682a220b957308023bd4b69a74f1bdbd6cc62025]
#    to [0d87a7bdf64f764dc4892656b9cd1e2613f05867]
--- Makefile	682a220b957308023bd4b69a74f1bdbd6cc62025
+++ Makefile	0d87a7bdf64f764dc4892656b9cd1e2613f05867
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ CSRCS=main.c i2c.c wmp.c timer.c interru
 CSRCS=main.c i2c.c wmp.c timer.c interrupt.c uart.c event.c matrix.c dcm.c
-CSRCS+=fisqrt.c stick.c trig.c motor.c led.c
+CSRCS+=fisqrt.c stick.c trig.c motor.c led.c watchdog.c panic.c status.c
 CFLAGS=-march=armv4t -msoft-float $(COPTIM) -Wall -Werror -Wextra $(PROJOPTS)
@@ -36,6 +37,8 @@ OBJS=$(SOBJS) $(COBJS)
 .SUFFIXES: .elf .hex .bin
+$(OBJS): Makefile
 $(NAME).elf: $(OBJS)
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -nostdlib -nostartfiles -T $(LDSCRIPT) -Wl,-Map -Wl,$(NAME).map -o $(NAME).elf $(OBJS) -lgcc