en-us Changes to file uart.c (from [dea51752..]) http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/filechanges/dea51752ff3061ddca80de6685b04dac53ac77e1/uart.c Changes to file uart.c (from [dea51752..]) http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/info/a2621a92a8c03a907239e78df69f38370d023a70 Use interrupts and buffer the UART receive side too. Use interrupts and buffer the UART receive side too. gavan@coolfactor.org Mon, 23 May 2011 21:41:17 GMT http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/info/cbddc8b347cfe68cf634efaf314c99652ed27527 Use interrupts and buffering for UART TX * Use interrupts and buffering for UART TX
* Set up P0.26 as an output, driving the on-board LED
* Toggle the LED while waiting for UART input to demonstrate activity
gavan@coolfactor.org Sun, 22 May 2011 10:34:44 GMT
http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/info/961b04ddb07ba2b5dd6bccfa66a03e442e40d8f0 Move UART code into its own file * Move UART code into its own file
* Set up vectored interrupt controller
* Set up timer interrupt
gavan@coolfactor.org Sat, 21 May 2011 22:26:19 GMT