en-us Changes to file main.c (from [d8ed90db..]) http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/filechanges/d8ed90db2d4284a290224447c40a0d9cef3fbc31/main.c Changes to file main.c (from [d8ed90db..]) http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/info/7ac10cd34167baa43683a09e9e9e6778e691171d Silly interactive loop to test things out. Silly interactive loop to test things out. gavan@coolfactor.org Wed, 04 May 2011 22:50:57 GMT http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/info/0b1d8473609f29aa4a19839761537a746e7d641d Configure the UART sufficiently to actually get the message out. Configure the UART sufficiently to actually get the message out. gavan@coolfactor.org Wed, 04 May 2011 21:27:17 GMT http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/info/a4de0abd3883128e35e5fc02f06a83da05f299b6 Initial checkin. Basic build and runtime environment, prior to first Initial checkin. Basic build and runtime environment, prior to first
test on actual hardware.
gavan@coolfactor.org Wed, 04 May 2011 00:03:28 GMT