en-us Changes to file interrupt.h (from [7f3278b1..]) http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/filechanges/7f3278b164104bb0564a391a1f7b4fd955a3904a/interrupt.h Changes to file interrupt.h (from [7f3278b1..]) http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/info/81e4dce274e79dd9187ed4bd182e1d6fc0fdfb37 Lots of development of new features. Radio input, motor output, PID control Lots of development of new features. Radio input, motor output, PID control
loops, boot-time initialisation, option to run without attached UART.
And.. it flies!
gavan@coolfactor.org Thu, 30 Aug 2012 12:42:38 GMT
http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/info/1dfe3b7eee76f3c8aea3b33932857682ee17701c Make total stack size available as a symbol * Make total stack size available as a symbol
* Implement SWI handler to enable/disable interrupts
* Implement event system to deal with kicking non-interrupt code
gavan@coolfactor.org Fri, 03 Jun 2011 21:22:01 GMT
http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/info/961b04ddb07ba2b5dd6bccfa66a03e442e40d8f0 Move UART code into its own file * Move UART code into its own file
* Set up vectored interrupt controller
* Set up timer interrupt
gavan@coolfactor.org Sat, 21 May 2011 22:26:19 GMT