en-us Changes to file status.c (from [4f22e7ef..]) http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/filechanges/4f22e7ef7d3064e3b51a5b868a4722f3f13c747b/status.c Changes to file status.c (from [4f22e7ef..]) http://mtn.coolfactor.org/viewmtn.py/revision/info/64de686d701acb9539dc52fe0bff299405612ab0 Improve handling of arming, providing LED blink codes if the arming fails. Improve handling of arming, providing LED blink codes if the arming fails.
Also, implement a software watchdog to make sure that the main real-time
modules are actually being run. Provide a panic facility, also giving blink
codes to indicate the panic reason.
gavan@coolfactor.org Sat, 22 Sep 2012 12:08:07 GMT