#!/bin/sh INFILE=$1 if [ "X${INFILE}" = "X" ] then echo "Usage: $0 abispec" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "${INFILE}" ] then echo "$0: ${INFILE}: not found" exit 1 fi ABI=abi.c HEADER=abi.lh # This is pretty evil. We use sed to produce shell commands which set # variables which contain 8-character chunks of the sha1 hash. # eval takes care of defining them in the current shell, rather than in # a subshell. for VER in `sha1 -n ${INFILE} | sed 's/\(........\)\(........\)\(........\)\(........\)\(........\).*$/ABIVER1=\1 ABIVER2=\2 ABIVER3=\3 ABIVER4=\4 ABIVER5=\5/'` do eval ${VER} done FNCOUNT=0 do_function() { echo " vm_intfn_${ARG1}," >>${ABI} echo "fndefint ${ARG1} ${FNCOUNT};" >>${HEADER} FNCOUNT=$((${FNCOUNT}+1)) } cat <${ABI} /* abi.c */ /* autogenerated - do not edit */ #include "abi.h" const long vm_abiversion1 = 0x${ABIVER1}; const long vm_abiversion2 = 0x${ABIVER2}; const long vm_abiversion3 = 0x${ABIVER3}; const long vm_abiversion4 = 0x${ABIVER4}; const long vm_abiversion5 = 0x${ABIVER5}; vm_intfn vm_intfn_table[] = { EOF cat <${HEADER} /* abi.lh */ /* autogenerated - do not edit */ constant __abiversion1 0x${ABIVER1}; constant __abiversion2 0x${ABIVER2}; constant __abiversion3 0x${ABIVER3}; constant __abiversion4 0x${ABIVER4}; constant __abiversion5 0x${ABIVER5}; EOF while read TYPE ARG1 ARG2 do case "$TYPE" in function) do_function ;; esac done <${INFILE} cat <>${ABI} }; const int vm_intfn_size = sizeof(vm_intfn_table) / sizeof(vm_intfn); EOF