/* test-display.c */ #include #include #include "types.h" unsigned int curpos; void display_cleanup(void) { endwin(); } void display_data(uint8_t len, uint8_t *data) { /* can't do anything with this graphics */ } void display_init(void) { initscr(); noecho(); atexit(display_cleanup); } void display_setposition(char col, char row) { move(row, col/6); curpos = col/6; //printf("Position set to row %d, col %d\n", row, col/6); } void display_setinverse(bool on) { if (on) attron(A_REVERSE); else attroff(A_REVERSE); //printf("Inverse set to %s\n", on?"on":"off"); } void display_putchar(char c) { printw("%c", c); refresh(); curpos++; //printf("Put character %c\n", c); } void display_putstr(char *s) { while (*s) display_putchar(*(s++)); } void display_putstr_P(const char *s) { display_putstr((char *)s); } void display_clearline(void) { while (curpos < 21) { display_putchar(' '); } //printf("Cleared line\n"); }