The unified diff between revisions [5ddceb38..] and [8760ae92..] is displayed below. It can also be downloaded as a raw diff.

# old_revision [5ddceb38e22c73a2d7c630837716676d5ff14a38]
# new_revision [8760ae9232295422550b79f09e55122390704b3c]
# patch "Makefile"
#  from [a138dfe535ffa07a2fe757f088e1451a3f4aff9a]
#    to [de7747e757f0f60e45c426582c5736214e14d050]
# patch "main.c"
#  from [90a64947477382812d4151d8680e54c2b4d67170]
#    to [ef5435dd23ece2876b0d557328e6c83a7ee04ab6]
--- Makefile	a138dfe535ffa07a2fe757f088e1451a3f4aff9a
+++ Makefile	de7747e757f0f60e45c426582c5736214e14d050
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ COPTIM?=-O1
 CSRCS=main.c i2c.c wmp.c timer.c
-CFLAGS=-march=armv4t -msoft-float $(COPTIM) -Wall -Werror
+CFLAGS=-march=armv4t -msoft-float $(COPTIM) -Wall -Werror -Wextra
--- main.c	90a64947477382812d4151d8680e54c2b4d67170
+++ main.c	ef5435dd23ece2876b0d557328e6c83a7ee04ab6
@@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ void minmax_sample(void)
 void minmax_sample(void)
 	int count;
-	int fast_roll_min, fast_roll_max;
-	int fast_pitch_min, fast_pitch_max;
-	int fast_yaw_min, fast_yaw_max;
-	int slow_roll_min, slow_roll_max;
-	int slow_pitch_min, slow_pitch_max;
-	int slow_yaw_min, slow_yaw_max;
+	unsigned int fast_roll_min, fast_roll_max;
+	unsigned int fast_pitch_min, fast_pitch_max;
+	unsigned int fast_yaw_min, fast_yaw_max;
+	unsigned int slow_roll_min, slow_roll_max;
+	unsigned int slow_pitch_min, slow_pitch_max;
+	unsigned int slow_yaw_min, slow_yaw_max;
 	putstr("Sampling min/max values\r\n");
 	if (!wmp_sample()) {