The unified diff between revisions [58a3ccba..] and [e36d05ae..] is displayed below. It can also be downloaded as a raw diff.

This diff has been restricted to the following files: 'src/include/code.h'

# old_revision [58a3ccba47e51398ea76582c5b4a94bf8af04187]
# new_revision [e36d05aec1b58ab05b8602bed8ed5faf304fe45f]
# patch "src/include/code.h"
#  from [bdc4e4415aab3cfedffd452b07060496733e096d]
#    to [e57dbef1f7a07dc2dacb0bec3816311a749022d2]
--- src/include/code.h	bdc4e4415aab3cfedffd452b07060496733e096d
+++ src/include/code.h	e57dbef1f7a07dc2dacb0bec3816311a749022d2
@@ -132,10 +132,15 @@ typedef int stkentry;
  * Structure of the file header:
  * 2	"LC"	(magic)
- * 2	0	(version)
+ * 2	00:01	(version)
  * 4	ptr	(pointer to function table)
+ * 4    abiversion1
+ * 4	abiversion2
+ * 4	abiversion3
+ * 4	abiversion4
+ * 4	abiversion5
- * ptr-4	code
+ * ptr-28	code
  *  1 or more of:
  *   4	length of block, or 0 to terminate
@@ -150,5 +155,5 @@ typedef int stkentry;
 #define MAGIC1 'L'
 #define MAGIC2 'C'
 #define VERSION1 0
-#define VERSION2 0
+#define VERSION2 1